COVID Procedures at Pioneer Camp Ontario
How are we keeping you safe?
As you might expect, things look a little different here at camp. We want you to know that the safety of our guests and staff is at the forefront of our planning, and we have been working closely with our local Public Health department to be sure we are complying with all federal and provincial COVID-19 guidelines. We are committed to providing an excellent camp experience for you and your family, while keeping our guests and staff safe.
Upon arrival, you will notice that all the standard COVID safety measures have been implemented around camp – plexiglass shields, distance indicators on the floors, mask wearing and hand sanitizers at all entrances.
All guests will be required to complete a COVID screening and sign a waiver as you arrive on camp property. This is to confirm that you are not symptomatic, have not been exposed to COVID-19 to your knowledge, and that you will report any COVID symptoms immediately to a Pioneer Camp Ontario staff member.
We ask that all guests and staff follow the safety protocols while at camp – physical distancing, mask wearing, hand washing and hand sanitizing. Please read and follow and signs posted around camp.
What to expect when you are here:
Our meals, programming and accommodations have all changed to meet COVID guidelines and restrictions.
Here are a few highlights:
Food Service – Meals will be served cafeteria style, and seating will be reduced with social distancing in the dining hall
Cleaning – We have increased our cleaning and sanitization schedule
Program – Program offerings and activities may be limited due to COVID restrictions and staff availability
Accommodations – Each guest/family unit will have their own accommodation with an ensuite washroom