A Guided Tour of the Leadership Centre
Welcome to the Leadership Centre on Clearwater Lake! We have almost completed construction, and are excited to show you what’s new.

Great Room: Welcome to the “Great Room” lobby! This is a beautiful, strategic crossroad between the dining room, meeting rooms, washrooms and entrances, where students and mentors will gather around the fire. This will be a natural gathering space for LITs, youth from local churches, and children from local school programs in between their more organized program sessions. There is plenty of room here for the countless informal conversations that lead to deep talks about faith and Jesus. We’re praying that many students will experience the Kingdom of God for the first, second, and thousandth time, right here by the fire!

Kitchen: This is the new kitchen, where the daily special is community. Imagine the thousands of meals served every summer and year-round, to eager students whose minds are full of Scripture and whose hearts are overflowing with a renewed passion to impact their friends and family with the love of Jesus. Imagine the growth made possible by this efficient and well-equipped space!

Dining Room: Eating together is a staple of our camp culture, and we are excited to bring that deep, rooted-in-community experience to young leaders here in the Dining Hall. Our prayer is that the bonds built over meals here will give campers the roots they need to remain strong as they are launched back into the world as passionate influencers. We envision leaders who will always be growing and drawing on the strength of their relationships with Jesus and fellow followers: relationships that were built around the table.

Meeting Room: Developing and sending leaders looks different every day: large group worship, intimate Scripture study, LIT small groups, training sessions, icebreakers, workshops… the possibilities are endless in this flexible meeting space! The size and shape of youth ministry is always changing, but the sliding walls are ready to accommodate large, medium, and small break-out needs. This room keeps us dreaming and praying about new ways to serve the Kingdom of God 365 days a year!

Exterior: This deck is a place to sit and take in the beauty of Clearwater Lake, to let nature inspire ideas, conversations and prayers. We can’t put these moments on a schedule, but God orchestrates them as part of the immersive experience that changes a young person into a leader. Mentors, friends, and fellow followers of Jesus are the bricks and mortar that make up a community grounded in Scripture, and this space overlooking the lake is yet another way we have committed ourselves to make room for Jesus to build his Kingdom here.
All this points to a well-appointed space to serve our Grounded and Growing vision for equipping and launching leaders. There is still time to give and help launch the next generation of young leaders.